Personal Account Windows Logon
Note: this tool is not commercial, and is only for the purpose of proof of concept. Please make sure to run on a test computer, and set a Windows Recovery before your testing.
FEITIAN windows logon tool enables user to achieve multi-factor authentication to Windows system with FEITIAN FIDO Security Keys. The Windows logon tool is an implementation of Windows Authentication Package and Credential Provider. The tool can be used for authentication to local accounts and Active Directory accounts(Not applicable with sharing environment). The following scenarios is not supported:
– Azure Active Directory managed accounts
– Active Directory accounts with sharing
In addition, this tool only adds an additional layer to the username + password authentication scheme, the other built in Windows authentication methods exist with the FEITIAN windows logon at the same time (For example, Windows Hello PIN, Biometric).
FEITIAN Windows Logon tool can be used for Windows 7, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10.
This section introduces the configuration steps of FEITIAN Windows Logon tool.
(1) Installation
Download the tool and follow the instruction provided by the installation software: Download
Hash: 7A992293DF8BE79825A6378E3BC2647FE50368A6
(2) Configuration
Before configuration, it is recommended to get your user name and password(Not the PIN for windows hello) ready.
Select the “FT-Windows-Logon Configuration” app in start menu and enter the configuration tool with administrator privilege. The configuration wizard is shown below:
Click next and enter the account provisioning page, choose the account for provisioning:
Plug in the key and touch the button. If successful, users will see the following page. Please record the recovery code since it is the last thing that can be used back up.
The current version of FEITIAN Windows Logon Tool is in public preview version. If you have any feedback about the tool and document, please contact FEITIAN Technical Support from: